‘Freaky Friday’ brings mother-daughter connection to humorous light

Nov 29, 2023

From cars to curfews to clothes, mothers and teenage daughters find lots to clash about.

So imagine if their personalities and perspectives were switched?

That would be freaky. And that serves as the plot of “Disney’s Freaky Friday The Musical’’ to be performed by the Dartmouth High Theatre Company. 

During challenging moments, many parents have told their children “Wait until you have kids.’’ The play brings that premise to life, co-director Denis Lawrence Jr. said.

“They spend a day in each other’s shoes and have a better understanding’’ of each other, Lawrence said.

Mom goes to school in her daughter’s body while the daughter heads to her mother’s work looking like her mom.

“It’s a fun show,’’ Lawrence said. “It’s funny.’’

Senior Sarah Duphily plays the daughter. She is “very relatable,’’ Duphily said, as she experiences teenage “angst’’ and related emotions.

The switch from mother to daughter required a change in acting approach for Hadley Fitton, a senior who plays the mother.

As a teen in mom’s clothing, “so much of my acting is larger than life,’’ as she transforms into her daughter. But as a temporary teen, the role “reveals so much about what she’s been holding in.’’

Despite the fun, both mother and daughter want to return to their roles, especially with a wedding on the horizon.

That requires the search for an old hour glass, with hijinks aplenty.

Thirty-two students appear in the production, with 20 working backstage. Auditions began in September with rehearsals three times a week for about three and a half weeks, Lawrence said.

Junior Nadia Franco co-choreographed the musical, relying on other musicals, rather than “Freaky Friday,’’ to develop the moves.

She encouraged sharper moves for the faster songs and more contemporary approaches to the slow numbers.

With their creativity and individual approaches, Franco said, “we make it our own.’’  

“Freaky Friday” will be performed at 7 p.m. Dec. 8 and 9 and 1 p.m. Dec. 9 at Dartmouth High School. Tickets for adults are $15, students and seniors $12. Tickets may be ordered online at www.dhstheatreco.com or by calling 508-441-4602